Posts tagged with ‘Speedmaster’

  • Brussels-vintage-watches-showroom-3

    An exceptional Speedmaster 145.012 from 1968, almost NOS

    I have been collecting vintage Speedmasters for more than 10 years, but this is the first time I see...

  • Brussels-vintage-watches-showroom-3

    A 1974 Speedmaster forgotten in a drawer (part 2 : the restoration)

    The 1974 Speedmaster that had been forgotten in a drawer has just been fully restored.  The following operations were...

  • Brussels-vintage-watches-showroom-3

    Rare find : a 1974 Speedmaster forgotten in a drawer for decades (part 1)

    A couple of weeks ago, I was informed that an old Speedmaster had been discovered in the shop of...

  • Brussels-vintage-watches-showroom-3

    Gaëtan Lana interview for Moonwatch Only

    Click on the picture to discover my interview for Moonwatch Only, an important website about vintage Speedmasters.    ...
